Saturday 11 May 2019

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard: ‘Denying climate change is evil’

The octogenarian entrepreneur, who prefers gardening to meetings, says capitalism is destroying earth

“I’d like to see an end to public corporations because we’re not going to revolutionise them, we’re not going to change them”

Our best hope for change lies with consumers, Chouinard maintains: 

“You’ve got to change the consumers first and then the corporations will follow and then government will follow the corporations. They [governments] are last in line.” 

Friday 10 May 2019

'Exterminator of the future':

Brazil's Bolsonaro denounced for environmental assault

Anna Jean Kaiser in São Paulo

Thu 9 May 2019 07.00 BST

Jair Bolsonaro is transforming Brazil into an “exterminator of the future”, the activist and politician Marina Silva has warned, as she and seven other former environment ministers denounced the far-right president’s assault on rainforest protections.

The eight former ministers – who served governments across the political spectrum over nearly 30 years – warned on Wednesday that Bolsonaro’s government was systematically trying to destroy Brazil’s environmental protection policies.

“We are watching them deconstruct everything we’ve put together,” said José Sarney Filho, who served as environmental minister under the rightwing presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Michel Temer.

“We’re talking about biodiversity, life, forests … the Amazon has an incredibly important role in global warming. It’s the world’s air conditioner; it regulates rain for the entire continent.”

Silva, the environment minister under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, said: “What is happening is a dismantling, taking education and the environment and making them ideological issues.”

She said the government risked “transforming our country into the exterminator of the future – and we can’t let that happen”.
Bolsonaro backers wage war on the rainforest
Read more

Bolsonaro has been severely criticized at home and abroad for his claims that environmental protections hinder Brazil’s economic growth. He is a close ally of the powerful agribusiness lobby and during his campaign said that if he were elected he would not allocate “one more centimeter” of land to indigenous reserves.

Thursday 2 May 2019

'We've no time to waste'

Corbyn opens debate saying MPs should declare climate emergency

Here is the Labour motion. It is saying the Commons should declare a climate emergency.

That this house declares an environment and climate emergency following the finding of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change that to avoid a more than 1.5°C rise in global warming, global emissions would need to fall by around 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero by around 2050; recognises the devastating impact that volatile and extreme weather will have on UK food production, water availability, public health and through flooding and wildfire damage; notes that the UK is currently missing almost all of its biodiversity targets, with an alarming trend in species decline, and that cuts of 50% to the funding of Natural England are counterproductive to tackling those problems; calls on the government to increase the ambition of the UK’s climate change targets under the Climate Change Act 2008 to achieve net zero emissions before 2050, to increase support for and set ambitious, short-term targets for the roll-out of renewable and low carbon energy and transport, and to move swiftly to capture economic opportunities and green jobs in the low carbon economy while managing risks for workers and communities currently reliant on carbon intensive sectors; and further calls on the government to lay before the house within the next six months urgent proposals to restore the UK’s natural environment and to deliver a circular, zero waste economy.

Environment secretary calls for cross-party approach as Labour leader says vote can ‘set off wave of action’

Four charts that show how the UK stacks up on climate change