A Trojan horse?

Trojan Horse - Meaning . . .
 . . . even though it was a Greek Horse!
1. (in Greek mythology) a hollow wooden statue of a horse in which the Greeks are said to have concealed themselves in order to enter Troy.
1.1 A person or thing intended to undermine or secretly overthrow an enemy or opponent.
‘the rebels may use this peace accord as a Trojan horse to try and take over’

‘Your tenacious research over the last year has shown that this idea may be the Trojan Horse of voting machine reform, allowing elections to be stolen more easily than in the past.’

‘However, this Government is using one institution as a Trojan Horse to rope all tertiary education institutions into the same corral and exert control over them.’

‘But the success of science turned it into a Trojan Horse as scientists increasingly limited their discussions and explanations to natural phenomena.’

‘Free trade is the Trojan Horse of world government.’
‘The academy has opened its doors to the Trojan Horse and has found itself swamped with a discipline which does not pay homage to the traditional gods of Logos and Logic.’
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1. 2 Computing A program designed to breach the security of a computer system while ostensibly performing some innocuous function.
‘However this may cause compatibility issues with other system software as well as the security risk of Trojan Horses being loaded - especially if the client software is downloaded through the Web and not installed by an IT person.’

‘The fear, whether justified or not, is that software developed outside our borders is more likely to have intentional security vulnerabilities, Trojan Horses or back doors than software developed inside the country.’

‘A Trojan Horse is a program that neither replicates nor copies itself, but causes damage or compromises the security of the computer.’

‘Once opened, the attachment is designed to plant a Trojan Horse on the unsuspecting recipient's computer, making its content accessible to the attackers.’

‘It's entirely possible that your computer might be infected with a Trojan Horse that says you are signing one document, when in fact you are signing another.’

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