Greta Thunberg named Time magazine's person of the year
Greta Thunberg: the speeches that helped spark a climate movement – video
Greta Thunberg, the teen activist from Sweden who has urged immediate action to address a global climate crisis, was named Time magazine’s person of the year for 2019 on Wednesday. She is the youngest person to have ever received the accolade.

Thunberg, 16, was lauded by Time for starting an environmental campaign in August 2018 which became a global movement, initially skipping school and camping out in front of the Swedish parliament to demand action.

“In the 16 months since, she has addressed heads of state at the UN, met with the pope, sparred with the president of the United States and inspired 4 million people to join the global climate strike on September 20, 2019, in what was the largest climate demonstration in human history,” the magazine said.

“Margaret Atwood compared her to Joan of Arc. After noticing a hundredfold increase in its usage, lexicographers at Collins Dictionary named Thunberg’s pioneering idea, climate strike, the word of the year,” Time said.
Greta Thunberg
The power of youth
Climate activist Greta Thunberg photographed on the shore in Lisbon, Portugal December 4, 2019 Photograph by Evgenia Arbugaeva for TIME

President Trump's reelection campaign on Thursday tweeted an edited cover of Time magazine's "Person of the Year" issue that depicted the president's head on the shoulders of Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate change activist.
The tweet, sent Thursday morning, suggested that the magazine had erred in naming Thunberg Person of the Year and listed accomplishments of the administration.
Article by John Bowden - 12/12/19 for THE HILL
Will Trump be hanging copies of this fake "Time magazine cover" at his golf resorts? 
So, asks the Daily Kos:
In the tradition of Trump putting fake Time magazine covers of his face in his golf resorts, his campaign decided to indulge their propaganda jones. Trump also tried to bully Thunberg in a tweet today.

Then Greta Thunberg tweeted . . .

In 2017 Time magazine asked Trump to remove fake covers from didplay at golf clubs

Video of Trump's comments regarding Greta Thunberg at Davos

Responding to a question on what he thought of climate activist Greta Thunberg's criticism of his administration's climate track record, Donald Trump replied by asking how old she was and adding: 'She beat me out on Time magazine', referring to the fact the 17-year-old Swede was named Person of the Year in 2019. Speaking on Wednesday during his final press conference at Davos 2020, the US president said Thunberg should focus more on 'other countries'
An actual Time magazine cover of Donald Trump
Time magazine puts Trump opposite sobbing child on cover

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